Getting Started: Store

Enabling and setting up your Store doesn’t require much. By following the guides below, you can have your Store configured, running, and live on your website in under an hour!

The guides below aren’t meant to cover every option and setting Member365’s Store module offers; they’re meant to show you everything you need to get it up and running. For more information regarding what you can do with your Store, check our Knowledge Base!

Before your Store can go live, you’ll need to:

Create Product Categories

Product categories make it easier for administrators and customers to use your store. By organizing available offerings by type, navigating through them is made easier!

Add Your Products

Can’t have a store if you’re not selling anything! This article will step you through the process of adding your first products to the store.

Learn to Remove Products

Knowing how to remove products from your store is an essential skill. This article will show you how to do it!

Configure Payment Types and Tax Rates

Member365 supports a range of payment types, and makes charging tax easy. This article will show you how to configure your store’s payment processing to meet the unique needs of your organization.

Set Up Shipping Rates

Selling products is only the start. Once that’s done, you’ve got to get them to your customers! This article will show you how to configure your store to charge the appropriate fees for shipping.

Manage Post-Transaction Messaging

When customers purchase from your store, Member365 automatically sends them email receipts thanking them for their business. These emails are a great opportunity to reflect the unique identity of your organization, so it’s recommended that you customize them!

Copy Your Store Website Integration Code

Once your store is set up and configured, Member365 automatically generates the code you need to integrate it into your website. This guide will show you where to find it!

Prepare to Review Pending Orders

With your store configured and live on your website, this guide will show you how to process orders!


Offer C.E. Courses Through Your Store

If your organization offers Continuing Education to it’s members, you can offer courses through the store! This guide will show you how!

Integrate Fundraising Into Your Store

Managing Fundraiser payment processing through Member365’s Store module takes headache and hassle out of managing donations, and adds value to your understanding of member behaviour through Engagement Analytics. Find out how to integrate your donation campaigns with your Store by following this guide!

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