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  2. Member Benefits
  3. What Are Certificates?

What Are Certificates?

Certificates are documents in the style of commemorative plaques, issued to members as a thank-you and a mark of recognition for achieving membership, making a donation, completing a course, and other noteworthy occasions. They are a great way to make your members feel recognized for their involvement in your organization.

Certificates are not created on a per-member basis; to create them, you must first create a template, and the empty fields will be filled in on a per-member basis in whichever module you apply the template.

Making and Using Templates

To make a template, consult our Knowledge Base guide on creating them.

To add a certificate that will be awarded to attendees of an event, see this article. For certificates awarded upon a user successfully achieving membership, consult this guide. To provide a certificate on completion of an LMS course, see this guide.

Members can find their certificates in the Member Portal by following the instructions provided here.

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