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  3. How to Hide a Membership Category from the Member Portal

How to Hide a Membership Category from the Member Portal

On the Member Portal, there is a button labeled ‘Explore Memberships’. When a Member clicks ‘Explore Memberships’, they will see a list of your Membership Categories and the corresponding application links.

Image showing the Explore Memberships button.

Can you hide which Membership Categories appear through this button? Yes! Continue reading to learn how to hide a Membership Category from the portal.


The following steps will only work for Contacts who are Members.

Non-Members with Portal Access will always see a full list of Membership Categories upon clicking ‘Explore Memberships’.

If you do not see the ‘Explore Memberships’ button on your Portal Dashboard, contact our Support team so that you can have the feature enabled!

Access The Membership Category

For each Membership Category, you have the ability to choose which of your other Categories its Members can and cannot see upon clicking ‘Explore Memberships’ on their Portal Dashboard.

In other words, you can configure which Categories your Members will see depending on what Category they already belong to!

You cannot hide Membership Categories from Non-Members if the ‘Explore Memberships’ button is present.

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click ‘Membership’ from the bar at the top of the screen.

Image showing the 'Membership' button on the bar at the top of the screen.

2. On the page that follows, click ‘Manage’ next to ‘Membership Categories’.

Image showing the 'Manage' button next to 'Membership Categories'.

3. Locate the Membership Category you are configuring, using the search bar if necessary, then click its name.

Image showing an example of using the search bar to locate 'Blue Membership'.

Choose which Categories are Visible

You can now configure which subset of Memberships will display to Members of this Category.

4. Click the ‘Configuration’ tab, then click the ‘Membership’ sub-tab.

Image showing the 'Membership' sub-tab under the 'Configuration' tab when editing a Membership Category.

5. Locate the ‘Hide Memberships’ toggle.

Image showing the 'Hide Memberships' toggle, which is currently turned off.

Toggled OFF – When Members of this Category click ‘Explore Memberships’, they will see your full list of available Memberships!

Toggled ON – A series of check-boxes will appear, each representing a Membership Category. Check the box next to any category that you wish to HIDE from view when Members of this Category click ‘Explore Memberships’.

Image showing the 'Hide Memberships' toggle turned ON, and selecting a few of the check-boxes below.

In this example, Members of our ‘Blue Membership’ will see all Membership Categories upon clicking ‘Explore Options’ except for ‘Bronze Membership’, ‘anniversary’, and ‘Certified Member’: those three will be hidden.

6. Remember to always click ‘Publish’ at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Image indicating the 'Publish' button at the bottom of the screen.


Congratulations, you now know how to control which Membership Categories will be visible to your Members upon exploring their Member Portals, and which will not!

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